We think it’s great when people are happy to come forward and say “I’d love an LTN where I live in Westminster”. Like Chris Gunness here on the left, an ex-United Nations Spokesman, and now the Director of a small NGO.
Chris and husband Ari are residents of W2. They live under 5 minutes walk from Hyde Park, and spend a lot of time here with their lively ‘Battersea’ cockapoo, Teddy. Chris told us that they love living so close to the park. “It’s the best back garden anyone could ever have, and it attracts a gloriously varied cross-section of London life, people of all colours, from all creeds and backgrounds. And I love the fact that it changes with the seasons”.
But they tell us that getting here isn’t easy. Chris, Ari and Ted have to cross the road at this zebra crossing on Stanhope Terrace. They are lucky, perhaps, to have a zebra crossing, but Chris still finds it infuriating, especially when walking with Ted.
“Half the time the drivers don’t bother to stop for us, even though we’re clearly standing here waiting to cross” he tells us. “They’re going much too fast, and a lot of them are just passing through here. I feel like saying, why are you even going through our neighbourhood, creating all this noise, and polluting our lungs?”.
Like many people around the country, Chris finds the constant flow of vehicles through their area exasperating. “I wish they’d just stop. Do they even realise people live here? What a difference it would make if there was less traffic here, what a huge difference to our day-to-day life. And to Ted too”.
Chris and Ari live in a triangle area (North of Hyde Park) known as the Hyde Park Estate, and said that many residents here would love a low traffic neighbourhood.
Last year, before the May local elections, Chris says that local residents “cooperated energetically” with the three ward councillors, who since the election have worked tirelessly for the community.
“Grateful as we are, we’re going to be keeping a close eye on the effectiveness of the current traffic measures they are developing. And if they haven’t solved the problem of all this through-traffic by the next election, we’ll be holding them accountable”. Strong words from Chris. A man who just wants to walk safely to the park with his husband and his dog.
One thing is for certain, when you start seeing the effect motor traffic has on an area, it’s hard to unsee it. “Perhaps some drivers don’t realise this, but under these streets is an excellent system of very fast trains”, says Chris. “Maybe next time they should consider using it”.