Joyriders Westminster Cycle

Today we went on a Joyriders cycle through Westminster and it was wonderful. This is Asma, who came from Tower Hamlets to join. She told us that she rides with her local Joyriders group every Monday, in all weathers, and that if it doesn’t happen she feels something is missing.

Aswell as her Monday rides, Asma has started joining cycles in other areas too. She said, “it’s a challenge for me- I like to venture out, meet different people, and get out of my comfort zone”. Today we cycled through Hyde Park all the way to Kensington Palace!

Asma was wearing a beautiful brooch which she says keeps her hijab in place all day.

It was a special day today- this lady here did her first decent ride in around 20 years!

She cycled a lot between the ages of 9 and 16, but has hardly ridden since.

The Joyrider leaders gave her the confidence to cycle again. It was very special to see 🙌🏻🙌🏻

It was wonderful and quiet cycling through the streets near Hyde Park, known as the Hyde Park Estate. It’s nice when this area has low through-traffic!

Two ladies borrowed bikes from Westminster Wheels. What a fantastic project between various organisations. 🚲🚲💙💙