People in Westminster like people-friendly streets!

Last spring, Councillors from Westminster consulted on new plans for Connaught Village, that included reducing Kendal Street to one way traffic, and increasing space for people, like this.

Here are some of the positive comments from local residents wrote during the consultation … A consultation that showed 35% more people supported this plan than opposed it … There were dozens and dozens more comments, this is just some of them:

“I love the shops and restaurants in this area, and fully support measures to make it a more beautiful and accessible space for pedestrians. I already love the outdoor dining options and recent pedestrian-focused street festivals, and I will continue to support initiatives that make this area greener and pedestrian focused”

“This is a much-needed development that will give the Village a central space for the benefit of a residents and visitors. It will be an asset 365, 24/7”

“I think it will be a great addition to Connaught Village. Provide space for residents and add to the street scape”.

“I love the thought to go greener and look into the traffic issues in this area. It should only be destination traffic but unfortunately this area is used for skipping the wait at Bayswater road and Edgware Road”.

“It will reduce the traffic and congestion and help shoppers to feel safer on the street”.

“Will make Connaught Village nicer for residents. Seating and planting will be nice.… Great idea”

“We need a better centre where people can gather and improve the commercial viability of shops and be more attractive to residents”

“These plans are excellent and will provide us with a gentle pathway filled with the beauty of nature’s floral and plant life displays, the effect of which is deeply held within us as a move toward strengthening our local pride and integration to enhance community harmony. I cannot stress strongly enough how important these natural pathways are as regards the well-being of local residents and those who prosper and socialise and work within the confines of Connaught Village. We are VERY fortunate indeed to have such an ethical Westminster Council planning the way forward. Thank you from my heart”.

“I think this is an excellent proposal that will hopefully increase the footfall to the area which is desperately needed”.

“It will tidy up the Connaught village area – reducing the volume of vehicles and providing more pedestrian space”

“Best thing the Council can do. VITAL”

“A welcome green space proposal on what is a busy junction used as a traffic rat run. The safer pedestrian crossing at the end of Kendall Street is a good idea – I’ve seen many near misses when cars turn very quickly into Kendall St and pedestrians need to watch out for traffic coming from very different directions”.

“Right now the area is unappealing and should be improved. Also, as a cyclist who goes via the Village regularly, it is awkward to navigate”.

“Taking back local urban spaces from cars is in my view positive”.

“The junction is difficult for pedestrians at the moment, more planting of beds and trees would be excellent and enhance the area hopefully attracting and encouraging local business, restaurants and cafes”

“Great improvement. I like the greening and space reclamation for the village”.

“Overall, too much dominance given to cars, especially in the vicinity of Marble Arch and Edgware Road. We need more pedestrian-friendly spaces”.

More space for human interaction, less for cars. Essential for a civilised London. I support 1,000%”.

“Communal areas provide community support and a great place for families to interact”

“At last Connaught Village gets a focal point that will attract more visitors, give local business a buzz, and utilise what is a forgotten corner. I particularly like the traffic calming and oneway as well as the seating space around the Love Tree”.

“We need more, and more pleasant village square/public plaza type spaces throughout London. This is a great start”.

“I often walk in Kendal Street with my 3 children and stop in one of the shops to buy them a snack, which they love to take in the street before going home and walking to Hyde Park. We are always a group with many children (friends…) and the area when we stop will be much safer for families with young children with the proposed plan”.

“More pedestrianisation, fewer cars, more bicycles. Please look after our children’s lungs”.

“The Village needs a scheme like this to change the way people use it. At the moment it is either only for local residents or commuters who pass through and don’t stop. This has become a very important scheme particularly since Covid to help the local retailers”.

“It will be much more friendly for socializing and take advantage of our neighbourhood”.

“Will help lower rat racing through the village, increase local area to socialise or have a nice afternoon coffee and will hopefully be aesthetically more pleasing”

“It will improve the quality of life in the neighborhood, with additional green space, less cars, a more secure crossing area, more space for eating outside, an useful fountain and hopefully a slightly better air quality. Very good initiative, we need more of this! Good job guys”

“Very good concept of increasing the pedestrian area, making part of Kendall Street one way, benches introduced in this beautiful area – just love it !”

Some people wanted the scheme to go a lot further

“The scheme is simply cosmetic changes, and although Kendal Street is made one way, the proposal not at all deal with the traffic rat-run that runs through Connaught Street at all hours, reducing footfall in the street. The original proposal for a low traffic neighbour hood in 2020 was the way forward, to close off Connaught Street to through-traffic, and was widely supported by the local businesses. The proposed scheme therefore simply does not go far enough to address the root cause of the problems, and the unattractiveness of the area, which is the mad traffic, 99% of which does not bring any commercial benefit to businesses while simply generating noise, pollution and distress to the residents”.

“This proposal recognizes the importance of addressing pedestrian safety and calming traffic in the heart of Connaught Village. I applaud that. However I can’t bring myself to support this proposal because it falls too far short of what is actual is needed to deliver on the outcome residents deserve…”

“Concretely, the top priority (which Labour councillors have publicly agreed with!) should be eliminating or dramatically reducing through traffic in the area. This proposal may slow some traffic (which is welcome) in one area, but will not reduce overall traffic volume. We will risk expending significant money, time, and effort on something that does not achieve the primary desirable outcome. I implore the council to consider stopping through traffic on Connaught at the area in question, and take the opportunity to create a continuous public place between Abasto & Pain Quotidien”.