Councillors drop plans to tackle through-traffic in Connaught Village

Climate disappointment in Westminster after Councillors drop plans to tackle the traffic in Connaught Village in their reported £1.4 million budget for new plans – despite having a majority support from residents to go ahead …

We have been speaking to residents around Connaught Village and have got some disheartening news about the how the Council decided to water down its proposal for the area when it comes to the through-traffic. Some might call it a scandal, you can decide for yourselves. Last summer, the plans for Connaught Village DID involve some traffic reduction (one lane on one street- it’s not a lot- but its something!), and the council had a majority support in the consultation, BUT after some people shouted in a meeting, Councillors sent an email to residents saying that “as a result of the very strong views expressed”, they’d look at “maintaining the two-way traffic on Kendal Street”. OOOFFFF.

This is what happened.

Last year, between March and April 2023, the council consulted on some NEW PLANS for Connaught Village. The ideas were quite similar to the more recent ones, apart from one crucial difference. Then, they proposed reducing the traffic on Kendal Street to ONE WAY traffic. It would mean there would be lots of pavement space for this beautiful design below. Doesn’t it look delightful! It’s not quite a piazza, but it’s certainly a start.

This is the difference with now.

During the consultation, there were many positive comments from residents. “I love the shops and restaurants in this area, and fully support measures to make it a more beautiful and accessible space for pedestrians” said one. “I already love the outdoor dining options and recent pedestrian-focused street festivals, and I will continue to support initiatives that make this area greener and pedestrian focused”.

“This is a much-needed development that will give the Village a central space for the benefit of residents and visitors. It will be an asset 365, 24/7” said another. (It’s almost as if people would also be behind a piazza, but don’t get us started on that).

“The one way on Kendal street was just a start, we thought, and was meant to be the foot in the door for further traffic flow changes, like a domino effect”, one resident tells us.

You can see the council’s plans here.

When the consultation was finished, 188 people had supported the plans, and 139 people opposed them. So approximately 35% more respondents supported the scheme than opposed it. (And we all know that taking traffic off high-streets becomes popular over time). Here’s Connaught Street yesterday- would you want to come and shop here when it’s like this?

Or what about here? (The street behind the telephone box is Kendal Street by the way).

“I think it will be a great addition to Connaught Village” went another comment. “(It would) provide space for residents and add to the streetscape”.

But, councillors decided to water the plans down and remove the proposed one way from Kendal Street entirely, keeping two lanes of traffic on both Connaught and Kendal Street, like it is now. Given they have a reported budget of £1.4 million, it means the changes to the area in terms of the plans would be limited. Everyone has told us the same thing- “The traffic IS the problem”.

So WHY did Councillors water down the plans?

Last autumn, Councillors held a meeting with locals in person. It was held during the day in work hours so not many people in 9-5 jobs could go. We understand that it got quite heated and there was some anger. Some folks – who would previously have benefited from a proposed LTN – were worried that these new proposals would instead cause them to have more traffic. Others simply wanted to drive through the area still.

”A lot of the folks at this meeting just want Connaught Village to be a road” says one local who went … “some appeared to be non- locals who just wanted to still drive through the area”.

After the meeting, Councillors sent an email to local residents. “Generally, the project has been very well received” they said. “However, a large number of residents raised concerns about the traffic impacts from the proposed one-way working on Kendal Street. We held a drop-in session …. As a result of the very strong views expressed, we have asked the Highways Team (to maintain) two-way traffic along Kendal Street”.

We understand that many residents were devastated receiving this email …

So despite having a majority support for this scheme, because some people got angry in a meeting, Councillors have backed down from tackling the traffic.

Here at Freshminster, we don’t think that’s good enough. We need Councillors who will show some strength and go ahead with reducing the traffic in Connaught Village, given there’s clearly lots of support for it. Especially when there’s £1.4 million on the table.

As one local told us, “this is a once- in a generation opportunity, and (wincing) we don’t need another version of The Mound in Westminster”.

We do hope that local Councillors will come to their senses and release new plans soon- plans that deal with the traffic, and include space for people. These are the changes that Connaught Village needs.